Pretendentas UAB was established on 11 February 1998. It started its activity in the wholesale market selling household appliances. After some time the company managed to form a young and progressive team able not only to perform their duties and tasks professionally but to maintain a friendly and positive atmosphere at work and spend their free time joyfully and interestingly. Pretendentas UAB was the first company which introduced an online shop of household appliances in the market (www.naminukas.lt). The company head and the employees are keen on the latest technologies, therefore all managing and accounting information of the company is fully computerised; there has been created a B2B system for work with partners. All this helps the company to maintain good, fast and high quality service.
Naminukas store was founded in Vilnius back in November 2008. The www.sorpreso.com online shop dedicated exclusively to the top quality produce by Swiss company JURA was launched in 2013. And in 2014, a beautiful coffee machine store was opened Klaipėda. In 2017, the company became the official representative of the Swiss coffee machine manufacturer Schaerer in Lithuania and Latvia as well as started offering a broader product range and began selling the produce by the global leading brands such as Miele, Nivona and Siemens. In the same year, the stores had a makeover, changed their name to Sorpreso (in Italian Sorpreso means a surprise) and launched a collection of freshly roasted coffee beans that has received outstanding appreciation from coffee lovers. At the end of 2017, the company opened a Sorpreso store in Alytus and, adjacent to it, founded a state-of-the-art coffee machine service centre which employs some of the most professional coffee machine service engineers in Lithuania.
An individual – it is and inexhaustible, unique, unrepeatable and special source of life that adds colours to the environment and the company.
Freedom. Every person and every enterprise has the freedom for expression, creation and realization, as well as for a specific look and ideas for growth and development.
Cognition and anxiety for knowledge are inestimable values promoting and helping to grow, develop and change.
Material and spiritual well-being. Fullness, satisfaction and peace of mind may be found only in harmony between material and spiritual values. Not only the good financial motivation of people is important, but the internal atmosphere of the company and possibility to fulfil one’s internal wants.
Beauty is valued not less than technical progress or other values created by human mind. Beauty gives inspiration and enables to dream and generate new ideas. Therefore the aesthetic atmosphere at work and aesthetic education of people are of great significance.
Help people create well-being and new quality of life, for the products sold by us not only make people’s lives easier, make their houses cosy, but also provide them more free time doing their housework for them. This time may be used for self-development and education thus increasing the quality of their owners and their relatives.
Provide the partners with professional, advanced and fast service of high quality applying the latest technological capabilities. Maintain close contact, good atmosphere of communication and react to the partners’ wishes.
Create favourable conditions for personal fulfilment, self-expression, creativity and professional development of the employees.
Take care of the shareholders’ interests and create the added value.
Social projects
• JSC “Pretendentas” pays taxes to the state and contributes to the overall social welfare.
• JSC Pretendentas supported the following charitable, educational, and sports or cultural activities involved organizations: „Alytaus Nordic Walking Club“, VšĮ „Respublikinė Jogos mokykla“, Asociacija „LT Compus“, „Alytaus socialinių paslaugų centras“, „Alytaus krašto neįgaliųjų sąjunga“, VšĮ „Motinos Teresės šeimų namai”, VšĮ „Žalioji media”, VšĮ „Sutyla”, VšĮ „Dienos namai”, VšĮ „Alytaus tinklinio klubą”, VšĮ „Alytaus kultūros ir komunikacijos centrą”, sporto klubas „Alytaus jotvingiai”, VšĮ „Altemsa”, VšĮ „Savanorystės spektras”, Alytaus miesto teatrą, Lietuvos invalidų biliardo asociacija „LIBA”, asociacija Alytaus vokalinė studija „Gluosnelė”, visuomeninę organizaciją „Alytaus tautinių mažumų kultūros centrą”, visuomeninę organizaciją „Gelbėkite vaikus”, Lietuvos advokatūra, VšĮ „Alytaus miesto bendruomenės centrą”, VšĮ „Šventė visiems”, „Lietuvos neįgaliųjų sporto federaciją”, Kauno miesto neįgaliųjų draugija, Vilties erdvės bendruomenė, VŠĮ „Padovanokime šypseną“, labdaros ir paramos fondas: „SOS vaikų kaimai Lietuva“, VšĮ „Jaunimo linija“, Lietuvos neįgaliųjų sporto federacija, Alytaus miesto savivaldybė, Alytaus regiono buhalterių asociacija, VšĮ „Laipteliai“, Šilutės neįgaliųjų klubas „Negalia“, Alytaus miesto teatras, VšĮ „MTB Riders Club“, Lopšelis-darželis „Girinukas“, Vėžionių bendruomenė „Topolis“, VšĮ „Parama šeimai Dzūkijoje“.